- Children's Ministry Curriculum: Old Testament -

Lesson Title Scripture Memory Verse Theme
1 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Creation Genesis 1:1-2:25 John 1:1-3 God created everything.
2 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum God Makes Adam And Eve Genesis 1:26-4:1 Genesis 1:27 God gave us life.
3 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Garden Of Eden Genesis 2:8-17 Genesis 2:8 God desires to bless His people.
4 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Adam And Eve Are Tempted Genesis 3: 1-24 2 Corinthians 11:3 God is gracious to sinful man.
5 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Cain And Abel Genesis 4:1-17 Genesis 4:7 God desires obedience.
6 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Enoch Genesis 5:18-24 Hebrews 11:6 God rewards those that please Him.
7 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Noah Builds The Ark Genesis 5:28-6:22 Hebrews 11:7a God wants us to be faithful.
8 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum God Sends A Great Flood Genesis 7:1-8:19 2 Peter 3:9 God will save those who trust in Him.
9 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum God's Covenant Genesis 8:20-9:17 Genesis 9:16 God's promises to us last forever.
10 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Tower Of Babel Genesis 10:8-10; 11:1-9 Isaiah 25:11b God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
11 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum God Calls Abram Genesis 11:26-12:9 Hebrews 11:8a Trust completely in the promises of God.
12 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Abram And Sarai Visit Egypt Genesis 12:10-13:1 Psalm 40:4 Unbelief will cause problems.
13 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Lot Leaves Abram Genesis 13:6-18 Genesis 13:16 We can trust God for our every need.
14 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Lot's Captivity And Rescue Genesis 14 Genesis 14:20 Give God the glory for His great works.
15 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum God Makes A Promise To Abram Genesis 15:1-17:19;18:1-16 Romans 4:13 God wants us to trust Him.
16 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Hagar And Ishmael Genesis 16 Genesis 16:13 God's way is best!
17 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Abraham Bargains With God Genesis 18:16-33 Proverbs 11:19 God hears us when we pray.
18 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Sodom And Gomorrah Genesis 19:1-30 2 Peter 2:9 God will deliver the righteous, but will punish the wicked.
19 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Isaac Is Born Genesis 21:1-8 Psalm 89:1 God is always faithful to keep His promises.
20 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Abraham Offers Isaac Genesis 22:1-18 Hebrews 11:17 Faith surrenders all and waits on God.
21 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum A Bride For Isaac Genesis 24:1-67 Isaiah 62:5b We can trust God for each and every need.
22 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Jacob And Esau Genesis 25:19-34; 27:1-46; 33 Hebrews 12:14 God wants us to treat each other with kindness.
23 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Isaac Blesses Jacob Genesis 27:1-46 Hebrews 11:20 Sin is never right.
24 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Jacob's Dream Genesis 28:10-22 Genesis 28:15a The Lord will never leave His children.
25 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Leah And Rachel Genesis 29:1-30 Proverbs 11:18 Deceit will come back on those who practice it.
26 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Sons Of Jacob Genesis 29:31-30:24;35:16-26 Psalm 127:3, 5 Though different from each other, we are all part of God's family.
27 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Your Name Shall Be Israel Genesis 32:22-32 Psalm 145:18 God wants us to depend on Him.
28 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Joseph Is Sold By His Brothers Genesis 37:3-36 Matthew 5:11 God is working together a wonderful plan for our lives, even when it doesn't seem like it.
29 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Joseph And Potiphar Genesis 39:1-23 Matthew 5:10 God blesses those who are faithful in difficult times.
30 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Joseph In Prison Genesis 40:1-41:57 Matthew 5:8 God never forgets us.
31 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Joseph Tests His Brothers Genesis 42:1-44:34 Luke 8:17 God is in control of our circumstances.
32 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Joseph Reveals Himself To His Brothers Genesis 45:1-16 Luke 6:36 Let us show mercy to others, for God is merciful to us.
33 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Jacob Moves To Egypt Genesis 45:17-50:26 Romans 8:28 God works all things together for good to those who love Him.
34 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Slavery Of The Israelites Exodus 1:1-14; 2:23, 24 Matthew 11:28 God hears the prayers of His children.
35 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Moses Is Born Exodus 2:1-10 Psalm 145:18 God has a plan for our lives.
36 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Burning Bush Exodus 3:1-4:17 John 10:27 Who God calls, God equips.
37 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Ten Plagues Exodus 7:14-11:10;12:29,30 Daniel 6:27a God is powerful and able to deliver.
38 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The First Passover Exodus 12:1-28 Ephesians 2:13 God provides the way of salvation for His people.
39 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Exodus Exodus 12:31-51 Exodus 15:13 God is our deliverer.
40 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Crossing The Red Sea Exodus 14 Exodus 15:2a God is our protector.
41 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Bread From Heaven Exodus 16:4-35 John 6:33 Let us not be guilty of murmuring and complaining.
42 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Water From The Rock Exodus 17:1-6 Psalm 114:7-8a God takes care of His children.
43 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Ten Commandments Exodus 19:20-20:17 Mark 12:30-31 God will enable us to do what He wants us to do.
44 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Golden Calf Exodus 32 Matthew 4:10b God wants us to worship only Him.
45 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Moses Talks With God Exodus 33:7-34:35 Exodus 33:13 God desires to have a special relationship with us.
46 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Tabernacle Exodus 36:8-40:38 Psalm 84:1 God dwells inside of His children.
47 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Cloud And The Fire Numbers 9:15-23 Numbers 9:23 God directs our steps.
48 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Lord Sends Quail Numbers 11:4-14, 31-34 Proverbs 23:21 We should be happy with what the Lord provides for us.
49 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Twelve Spies Numbers 13:1-14:9 Numbers 14:8 There is nothing too hard for God.
50 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Wandering In The Wilderness Numbers 14:11-38 Numbers 14:18 Unbelief robs us from God's blessings.
51 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Moses Disobeys God Numbers 20:1-13 1 Samuel 15:22 Misrepresenting God is a serious thing.
52 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Bronze Serpent Numbers 21:4-9 John 3:14 God provides a way of forgiveness for us.
53 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Balaam Numbers 22-24 2 Peter 2:16 God always protects His children.
54 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Moses Dies Deuteronomy 34 Deuteronomy 34:10 Let us serve God with faithfulness.
55 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Joshua Becomes Israel's New Leader Joshua 1 Joshua 1:8 We need not fear, for God is with us.
56 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Rahab And The Spies Joshua 2 Joshua 2:24 May our actions reveal our faith.
57 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Crossing The Jordan River Joshua 3-4 Joshua 4:23, 24 May we remember God's faithfulness to us.
58 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Battle Of Jericho Joshua 6:1-26 Joshua 6:2 God is always on our side.
59 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Gibeonites Trick Joshua Joshua 9 Proverbs 19:21 God gives wisdom to those who ask.
60 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Joshua Dies Judges 2:7-10 Joshua 23:3 Let us serve God our entire lives.
61 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Deborah Judges 4:1-23 Judges 5:2 Let us trust in God even when others do not.
62 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Calling Of Gideon Judges 6:11-40 Judges 6:16 God wants to do great things through our lives.
63 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Gideon's Army Of 300 Judges 7:1-25 Judges 7:4 God wants to receive the glory for what He had done.
64 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Samson Is Born Judges 13 Judges 13:24 God sent a deliverer!
65 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Samson And Delilah Judges 16:4-21 Judges 16:17 Remain faithful to God!
66 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Samson Pulls Down A Temple Judges 16:22-31 Judges 16:28 Though we have made mistakes, God can still use us!
67 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Ruth Chooses To Stay With Naomi Ruth 1:1-18 Ruth 1:16 God is pleased when we show loyalty.
68 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Ruth Gleans In The Fields Ruth 2 Ruth 2:12 God always provides for His children.
69 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Boaz Redeems Ruth Ruth 4:1-13 Isaiah 47:4 Jesus has paid the price for us all.
70 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Hannah 1 Samuel 1:1-19 1 Samuel 1:10 God hears our prayers.
71 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Samuel Is Born 1 Samuel 1:20-28 1 Samuel 1:27 God is pleased when we keep our promises.
72 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Eli And His Wicked Sons 1 Samuel 2:12-36 1 Samuel 2:30 Our service to God must be with a right heart.
73 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Samuel Is Called 1 Samuel 3:1-20 1 Samuel 3:19 God has a special purpose for our lives.
74 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Capture And Return Of The Ark 1 Samuel 4:1-7:2 1 Samuel 6:20 God wants us to love Him with all of our heart, soul and strength.
75 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Saul Is Made King Of Israel 1 Samuel 9:1-12:25 1 Samuel 12:24 God is our king and should be obeyed.
76 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Jonathan's Fight And Saul's Oath 1 Samuel 14:1-46 1 Samuel 14:6 With God anything is possible.
77 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Saul Is Rejected By God 1 Samuel 15:10-35 1 Samuel 15:22 Obedience is better than sacrifice.
78 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum David Is Anointed King By Samuel 1 Samuel 16:1-13 1 Samuel 16:7 God looks at our hearts and not our outward appearance.
79 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum David And Goliath 1 Samuel 17:1-52 1 Samuel 17:47 God fights our battles for us.
80 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Friendship Of David And Jonathan 1 Samuel 20 1 Samuel 20:42 God wants us to be faithful friends.
81 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum David Spares Saul's Life (twice) 1 Samuel 23:14-24:22;26 1 Samuel 26:23 We should wait on the Lord and not take matters into our own hands.
82 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Saul And His Sons Die In Battle 1 Samuel 31 1 Samuel 15:23 We will reap what we sow.
83 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum David Is Made King Of Israel 2 Samuel 5:1-4 2 Samuel 7:8 God has great plans for those who will follow Him.
84 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Ark Is Brought To Jerusalem 2 Samuel 6:1-19 2 Samuel 6:2 God wants us to be obedient to His Word.
85 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum God's Covenant With David 2 Samuel 7:1-17 2 Samuel 7:16 God wants us to experience the richness of His grace.
86 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum David Is Kind To Mephibosheth 2 Samuel 9:1-13 Psalm 119:77 God wants us to be kind to others.
87 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum David's Census, Judgment And Pur- chase...Threshing Floor 2 Samuel 24:1-25 2 Samuel 24:14 Our strength is in the Lord, not in what we have.
88 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Solomon Is Made King 1 Kings 1:28-53 1 Kings 1:37 Pride brings destruction, but humility brings honor.
89 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Solomon Asks For Wisdom 1 Kings 3:3-14 1 Kings 3:3a God will give us wisdom when we ask for it.
90 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Wisdom Of Solomon 1 Kings 3:16-28; 4:21-34 1 Kings 4:30 God gives us wisdom so we can help others.
91 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Solomon Builds The Temple 1 Kings 6:1-38 1 Kings 6:13 We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
92 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Dedication Of The Temple 1 Kings 8:1-66 1 Kings 8:56 God always keeps His promises.
93 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Queen Of Sheba 1 Kings 10:1-13 1 Kings 10:9b When we have the right priorities, it will have a good effect on those around us.
94 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Solomon Turns From The Lord 1 Kings 11:1-13,41-43 1 Kings 11:9 Stay close to the Lord.
95 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Kingdom Is Divided 1 Kings 11:26-40; 12:1-24 1 Kings 12:15 Disobedience brings consequences.
96 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Jeroboam Makes Two Golden Calves 1 Kings 12:25-13:6 1 Kings 13:30 Let us choose to obey God!
97 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Ravens Bring Food To Elijah 1 Kings 17:1-7 1 Kings 17:6 God supplies our every need.
98 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Elijah Helps A Poor Widow 1 Kings 17:8-24 1 Kings 17:15 God wants us to learn how to trust in Him.
99 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Elijah Defeats The Prophets Of Baal 1 Kings 18:1-40 1 Kings 18:39 The world's gods are powerless, but our God is awesome and powerful.
100 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Still Small Voice 1 Kings 19:1-18 1 Kings 19:11, 12 Troubles seem smaller when we remember the greatness of God.
101 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Elijah Chooses Elisha 1 Kings 19:19-21 1 Kings 19:19 God has wonderful plans for our lives.
102 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Elijah Is Taken To Heaven 2 Kings 2:1-11 2 Kings 2:11 The God of Elijah was powerful yesterday and is powerful today.
103 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Elisha Crosses The River 2 Kings 2:13-15 2 Kings 2:15 God provides for all who come to Him
104 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Elisha Helps A Poor Widow 2 Kings 4:1-7 2 Kings 4:7 God provides for all who come to Him for help.
105 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Elisha And The Shunammite Wom- an 2 Kings 4:8-17 2 Kings 4:9 God loves hospitality and thankfulness.
106 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Elisha Raises A Boy From The Dead 2 Kings 4:18-36 2 Kings 4:33 God wants to use us to bless others.
107 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Naaman's Leprosy Is Healed 2 Kings 5:1-14 2 Kings 5:14 Let us come to the Lord with a humble heart.
108 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Elisha's Greedy Servant 2 Kings 5:15-27 2 Kings 5:26 God's grace is a FREE gift.
109 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Floating Ax Head 2 Kings 6:1-7 2 Kings 6:5 God cares about the things that concern us.
110 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum A Servant Sees A Fiery Army 2 Kings 6:8-23 2 Kings 6:17 God protects His children.
111 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Shunammite Woman's Land Restored 2 Kings 8:1-6 2 Kings 8:6 God takes care of His people.
112 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Joash Repairs The Temple 2 Kings 12:1-19 2 Kings 12:2 God can use children to do great things!
113 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Hezekiah Cleanses The Temple 2 Chronicles 29:3-19 2 Chronicles 29:11 Let us not neglect to worship the Lord.
114 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Hezekiah Restores Temple Worship 2 Chronicles 29:20-36 2 Chronicles 29:29 God wants us to worship Him with our whole hearts.
115 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Israel Is Carried To Assyria 2 Kings 17:5-41 2 Kings 17:39 We should be faithful to our faithful God.
116 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Josiah 2 Kings 22:1-2; 23:1-30 2 Kings 23:25 Humble obedience pleases God.
117 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Book Of The Law Is Found 2 Kings 22:3-20 2 Kings 22:18-19 God's Word should have an important place in our hearts.
118 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Judah Is Led Into Captivity 2 Kings 25:1-21 2 Kings 25:21 When we disobey God, there will be consequences.
119 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Cyrus Helps The Exiles To Return Ezra 1:1-11 Psalm 122:1 God will never leave or forsake His people!
120 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Rebuilding The Altar And The Temple Ezra 3:1-13 Psalm 136:1 Let us be faithful to God.
121 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Opposition Of Rebuilding Ezra 4:1-24 Ezra 4:23 Though others may be against us, God is for us.
122 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Completion, Dedication Of The Temple Ezra 6:13-22 Ezra 6:16 When we ask for forgiveness, God always gives us another chance.
123 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The People Confess Their Sin Ezra 10:1-17 Ezra 10:11 God wants us to be separated from the world.
124 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Nehemiah's Prayer And Viewing Of The Wall. Nehemiah 1:1- 2:20 Nehemiah 1:11 Let us be willing to do whatever asks us to do.
125 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Rebuilding And Completion Of The Wall Nehemiah 4:1-7:3 Nehemiah 4:20 Let us turn to God with our problems.
126 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Ezra Reads The Law Nehemiah 8:1-9:5 Nehemiah 9:5 God's Word should have an important place in our lives.
127 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Esther Becomes Queen Esther 2:1-18 Proverbs 31:30 God is in control even when we do not understand His plan.
128 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Mordecai And Haman Esther 2:19-3:15 Matthew 4:10 Let us take a stand for God.
129 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Esther Pleads For Her People Esther 4:1-17 Esther 4:16 God has a purpose for our lives.
130 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Haman's Anger At Mordecai Esther 5:1-14 Proverbs 11:29 Anger and hatred can destroy us.
131 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Mordecai Is Honored Esther 6:1-14 Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before a fall.
132 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Haman's Evil Is Repaid Esther 7:1-10 Romans 12:21 God can turn trials into triumphs.
133 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Esther Saves Her People Esther 8:1-17 Proverbs 11:10 God protects His people.
134 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Jews Rejoice And Declare A Feast Esther 9:18-32 Psalm 126:5 God wants us to celebrate our salvation!
135 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Righteous Job Fears God Job 1:1-5 Job 1:1 God is concerned about how we live.
136 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Job's First Test Job 1:6-22 Job 1:22 Faithfulness pleases God.
137 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Job's Second Test Job 2:1-10 Job 2:10 God wants us to trust Him even when we don't understand.
138 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Job And His Three Friends Job 2:11-32:1 Job 19:25 We can trust God even when our "friends" judge us wrongfully.
139 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Elihu Contradicts Job's Friends Job 32:1-37:24 Job 34:12 God is never wicked or unjust.
140 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Lord Speaks Job 38:1-40:24 Job 40:2 God is wiser than man.
141 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Job Is Blessed Job 42:1-17 Job 42:2 God is faithful to sustain us.
142 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Choosing The Right Path Psalm 1 Psalm 1:6 God wants to bless our lives.
143 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Jesus Is Crowned King Psalm 2 Psalm 2:6 Jesus Christ is King of Kings & Lord of Lords.
144 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Beginning Our Day In Prayer Psalm 5 Psalm 5:3 God wants us to pray to Him everyday.
145 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum God's Work And God's Word Psalm 19 Psalm 19:14 God shows us who He is through His works and His Word.
146 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Trusting In God's Strength Psalm 20 Psalm 20:7 Let us trust in God.
147 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum A Prophecy Of Jesus Psalm 22 Psalm 22:16 Jesus died for you and for me.
148 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum A Shepherd's Psalm Psalm 23 Psalm 23:1 The Lord is our shepherd.
149 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Our God Is Powerful Psalm 29 Psalm 29:3, 4 God reigns in heaven and on earth.
150 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Lord Delivers His People Psalm 30 Psalm 30:5 God hears and helps His people.
151 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Lord Cares For His People Psalm 34 Psalm 34:8 God will help us when problems come.
152 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Don't Worry, Trust In The Lord Psalm 37 Psalm 37:4 Trust the Lord at all times, and remember the blessings He gives to those who follow His ways!
153 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Delight In God's Will Psalm 40 Psalm 40:8 Trust in God.
154 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum David Asks For Forgiveness Psalm 51 Psalm 51:10 God is faithful to forgive.
155 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Thirsting After God Psalm 63 Psalm 63:1 When we have problems turn to God!
156 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Seeing Things The Right Way Psalm 73 Psalm 73:25 God wants us to see things the way He does.
157 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Staying Under God's Shadow Psalm 91 Psalm 91:1 God is our protector.
158 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Worship The Lord! Psalm 100 Psalm 100:4 Praise God with a joyful heart.
159 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Importance Of God's Word Psalm 119 Psalm 119:9 God's Word helps us to live for Him.
160 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum God In Our Family Life Psalm 127-128 Psalm 127:3 God wants to bless our families.
161 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Remembering What God Has Done Psalm 136 Psalm 136:1 God is merciful to us.
162 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Why We Need Proverbs Proverbs 1 Proverbs 1:7 True wisdom comes from God.
163 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Benefits Of Wisdom Proverbs 3:3-35 Proverbs 3:5, 6 Good things come from following God's wisdom.
164 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Wise Words Of A Loving Dad Proverbs 4 Proverbs 4:23 Our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us.
165 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Pondering Proverbs #1 Proverbs 14-15 Proverbs 15:2 Let us use our tongue wisely.
166 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Pondering Proverbs #2 Proverbs 20-21 Proverbs 21:2 Character is important to God.
167 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Pondering Proverbs #3 Proverbs 22-23 Proverbs 22:1 Seek the riches of God's wisdom!
168 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Pondering Proverbs #4 Proverbs 26-27 Proverbs 27:2 We should be wise in our relationships.
169 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Wisdom For Leaders And Ladies Proverbs 31 Proverbs 31:30 Good virtues are a result of fearing the Lord.
170 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum All Is Emptiness Apart From God Ecclesiastes 1-12 Ecclesiastes 12:13 True happiness is found in God alone.
171 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Sanctifed Lips Isaiah 6:1-13 Isaiah 6:1 We should be ready and willing to serve Jesus.
172 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Unto Us A Child Is Born Isaiah 9:1-7 Isaiah 9:6 Jesus brings us hope and peace.
173 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Peace on Earth Isaiah 11:1-9 Isaiah 11:1 One day Jesus will rule and reign.
174 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Christ's Sacrifce Is Foretold Isaiah 53:2-12 Isaiah 53:6 God's Word is sure.
175 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum New Heavens And A New Earth Isaiah 65:17-25 Isaiah 65:17 God gives us a future and a hope.
176 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Calling Of Jeremiah Jeremiah 1:1-12 Jeremiah 1:5 A successful life is one where God's purposes are accomplished.
177 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The True And Living God Jeremiah 10:1-16 Jeremiah 10:10 Our God is the true and the living God.
178 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Clay In The Potter's Hand Jeremiah 18:1-11 Jeremiah 18:6 God wants to make our lives a beautiful work of art.
179 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Jeremiah's Scroll Jeremiah 36:1-32 Jeremiah 36:3 God's Word cannot be destroyed.
180 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Ezekiel's Call Ezekiel 2:1-3:15 Ezekiel 3:10 To love God is to obey God.
181 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum God, The True Shepherd Ezekiel 34:11-31 Ezekiel 34:31 God is our true shepherd.
182 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum A Renewed Heart Ezekiel 36:26,27 Ezekiel 36:26 God will give us a brand new heart!
183 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Glory Returns To The Temple Ezekiel 43:1-12 Ezekiel 43:7 We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
184 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Daniel And His Friends Obey God Daniel 1:1-17 Daniel 1:17 Stand faithful in a sinful world.
185 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Daniel 2:1-49 Daniel 2:47 God knows and controls the future.
186 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Fiery Furnace Daniel 3:1-30 Daniel 3:28 God is with His children through their trials.
187 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Nebuchadnezzar Is Humbled Daniel 4:28-37 Daniel 4:37 Pride goes before a fall.
188 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Writing On The Wall Daniel 5:1-31 Daniel 5:21 Let us learn easily the lessons God wants to teach us.
189 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Daniel In The Lions' Den Daniel 6:1-28 Daniel 6:26 Let us purpose to do what is right, even in difficult situations.
190 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Jonah And The Great Fish Jonah 1:1-2:10 Hosea 4:1 Man's rebellion breaks the heart of God.
191 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Nineveh Repents Jonah 3:1-10 Joel 2:11 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
192 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Jonah Is Humbled By God Jonah 4:1-11 Amos 4:12 When God speaks, listen!
193 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum A Sinful Marriage And A Sinful Na- tion Hosea Obadiah 1:10 God rights the wrongs against His people.
194 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum The Day Of The Lord Joel Matthew 12:40 It is foolish to run from God's good plan for us.
195 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Prepare To Meet God Amos Jonah 3:9 God desires all men to be saved.
196 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Judgment Of Edom Obadiah Psalm 103:11 God is gracious and compassionate.
197 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Doing Justly Micah Micah 6:8 God wants justice, mercy and humility in our lives.
198 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Judgment Of Nineveh Nahum Nahum 1:7 God is slow to anger, but will one day judgment will come.
199 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Living By Faith Habakkuk Habakkuk 2:4 When in doubt, walk by faith!
200 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum A Day Of Wrath And A Day Of Joy Zephaniah Zephaniah 2:3 God is faithful to forgive those who turn to Him.
201 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Finish What You Start Haggai Haggai 1:7, 8 God wants us to finish what He has called us to do!
202 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Prepare For Messiah Zechariah Zechariah 9:9 Prophets told of Jesus' coming hundreds of years before He came.
203 Teacher's Guide Support Curriculum Turn Back To God Malachi Malachi 2:17 Let us worship God with true hearts.